The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone. 随带装在其前端锥形体内的一颗人造卫星,火箭一直向上,向前爬升。
Do you want to run an induction chamber and to a mask or just a nose cone? 您希望使用吸气室,面罩还是仅仅需要一个鼻吸呢?
He omitted at least two key safety devices, namely the nose cone which prevents the sail from deforming in the wind, and the luff lines which prevent uncontrollable dives. 他省去了至少二关键保险装置,即防止风帆扭屈在风的顶锥和防止无法控制的下潜的逆风行驶线。
The system is composed of plastic scintillator and nose cone, an optical system and streak camera. 该系统由闪烁体及鼻锥部分、光学系统和条纹相机系统三部分组成。
Japanese interests, it was said, had used freedom of information laws to obtain confidential details about the design of the space shuttle's nose cone. 故事说,日本利益集团利用信息自由法,获取了航天飞机鼻锥体设计的机密细节。
The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch. 在空气动力学平稳鼻锥将在发射航天器的保护。
So he cut off the nose cone, hollowed it out, added in other parts to make it look like a jet and glued it onto his model. 然后,他就切下了那个鼻锥,把它挖空,然后和其它部件组合在一起,从而使它看上去像一个喷气引擎,然后再将这个喷气引擎模型粘到汽车模型上。
Spraying nose cone of high speed trains results in easy cleaning. 铁路运输喷在高速列车的头部,可以使清洗工作变得轻而易举。
Split-coefficient matrix finit difference method for the asymmetric nose-cone 绕非对称头锥的分离系数矩阵差分法
This paper gives an account of the methods of calculation together with an analyses, by which the wind-tunnel test data of the model with nose cone for the CK-1C target drone are corrected to the aerodynamic data for real flight. 本文叙述了CK-1C靶机带堵锥风洞模型的实验数据到真实飞行情况下使用的气动力数据的计算和分析方法。
The high-quality digital full-body surface of the vehicle is established. The parametric 3D solid models of some important components, such as the nose cone of body, wing surface and cowling, etc, and the fast design of dies are realized. 建立了全机高品质的理论外形数字曲面,实现了重要结构件的三维参数化实体建模(如机身头锥、翼面和整流罩等),以及模具的快速设计。
A prototype cavity of longitudinal feedback kicker is developed according to the parameter of BEPC ⅱ. The usage of nose cone in the kicker design increased the shunt impedance. 结合BEPCⅡ设计参数,研制了纵向束流反馈冲击器模型腔,并且利用同轴线法测量了该模型腔的阻抗和带宽,满足设计要求。
The projectile body nose shape to impact penetration strength, which the worst is shape-pointed, the next is truncated-conical; the optimization is truncated cone with step shape. 弹体头部形状对弹丸穿甲强度也有影响,其中尖锥形最差,截锥形居中,截锥后加台阶形最优。
In this paper, the problem of transition prediction for supersonic and hypersonic boundary layers on a sharp or blunt nose cone at zero angle of attack or small angle of attack has been studied. 本文研究零攻角和小攻角、超音速和高超音速、尖锥和小钝头锥边界层的转捩预测问题。